www.internetyoga.com   is virtual shrine to teachers and teachings of yoga. A cyberspace ashram, a conscious touch point, an electronic bindu, and source of knowledge for seekers wishing a larger understanding and a place to connect to a community dedicated to internal growth. The materials are presented for use in recovering psychic and spiritual ground lost through past actions. Teachings to help gain new spirit ground by the processes of detachment. Tools to free and collect: soul force, consciousness, brightness are contained on this web site. To gather, condense, and clarify the consciousness, soul's understanding, increase and raise the level and depth of connection by surrender to the source. Liberation.

As the shards and pieces of life's mirror pass, the bright glints of light catch our eye, we are drawn to them, the reflections that are the facets of our own bright soul akritima-aham-vimarsha . Piece them back together for understanding, for freedom. See your Self.  Bob •    PRATYABHIJNAHRDAYAM

1973 February 21st Rudi Passed

Books Transcripts & Recordings Pictures

The materials presented are for your personal use and may not sold or used for any commercial purposes. If you have more material to share please send . Comments are welcome. If you see an error or an omission or wish to submit links and/or materials. All help is welcome.  All thanks to teachers Swami Rudrananda (graphic in background), Guru Nityananda, Swami Rambaba, Sai Baba, Stuart Perrin, Danny Cook, and all seekers and students of the work. Last updated January , 2015. Thank you - Bob Crowder