Timing and Evolvement

The pattern of our life in every way portrays our evolvement. If we become too deeply entrenched in any situation, we are intensifying our attachment to the physical level of the earth. If we can surrender it, we are expressing our commitment to attaining eventual freedom.

Every situation that we surrender can dissolve. It is only by continuing our work that we will have the opportunity to watch it evolve into another level that matures and feeds us more deeply. The ability to let go of what we have attained depends on our capacity to consciously face a barren period. Our ability to persevere through this interval is the test of our sincerity.

It takes a long time for people to accept the cycles of latency and growth in themselves that are seen so readily in nature. To have a healthy tree, one must allow it to become dormant and then prune the unnecessary branches. Our inability to conform to the laws of creativity in nature causes us to abort natural cycles through which the psyche must regenerate itself, by drawing energy into its roots so that it can give forth fresh growth with a new and deeper vitality.

It is only after an endless repetition of pattern and evolvement that we begin to realize that our growth takes place not only in different phases, but on many different levels simultaneously. The joy of spiritual development is that while one level is dormant, another flows. It is the same as planting a garden so that it blooms from April until November, with evergreens for the winter time. Whenever a new and exotic bloom appears, it should be appreciated within the context of the entire garden. It is not the most important flower, but only the focus at a particular moment. It should relate harmoniously with what is around it, and not deprive other levels of vegetation of the attention and nourishment that they require. It is the gardener’s detachment that allows him to cut or even uproot a plant, if it is in conflict with the overall balance and health of the garden.

In a similar manner, spiritual growth and maturity allow us to develop the conscious ability to cut away the parasitic growths that are out of harmony with the rest of our spiritual life. It is only an ego centric human being who feels that all growth is positive. Even though we work very deeply to acquire a given capacity, that does not mean that it may not be detrimental to our development. There is much creativity that is looked upon in Oriental philosophy as siddhas, or gifts. These are magical powers that develop as a by-product of growth. They must be viewed with great detachment to determine whether they are absorbing a disproportionate amount of energy in comparison to the nourishment that they provide.

There is a famous story of a Tibetan monk who was very gifted. Each morning, all of the monks in the monastery were required to sit in meditation at 4:00 a.m. On the previous evening, this particular monk had experienced levitation. He was so enthralled by his experience that when he came to the morning meditation, instead of walking, he floated over the crowd. The other monks were very enthusiastic. Six months later, this particular monk was working in a circus. The moral of the story is that there is a time and place for everything, including the extraordinary.

There are many people who become involved with teachings and teachers because they cannot understand what they are being told. They feel a sense of inferiority, which they express by attaching themselves to an illusion, i.e., that something exists that they cannot understand. It is a form of castration, which keeps a person ineffective and in a position that perpetuates their self-hatred. To grow, one must receive nourishment that is acceptable and digestible. It is not within the nature of people to approach spirituality with simplicity. But only through simplicity can they build a strong foundation that will allow them to transcend the conditions under which they live.

The wish within a human being to attain freedom from the attachments of this world must be continually nourished and reinforced. Progress can either suffocate the wish or provide inspiration to deepen our effort, so that the goal is always above the attainment and helps to generate a living and expanding energy that brings the person continually to greater heights.

The nature of a situation is reflected by our capacity to see the event in relationship to its surroundings. Very often, we can miss an obvious opportunity or difficulty because it has not yet been reflected by external sources. On a day in which one attracts a certain negative pattern, it is possible to have many similar events take place, each one helping to expose the underlying situation.

It is as if we had somebody steal a $1.00 from us very early in the morning. By 10:00 a.m., we experience someone coming and trying to borrow $5.00. The earlier experience is trying to tell us that it is not a good day for making risky financial transactions. If we stay on the same level, we are susceptible to a repeat of the sequence. It is probable that by 3:00 p.m., someone would try to take from us some material thing with a tempting promise to which we might succumb, if we were not aware of the building pattern of the day.

I have always noticed that I would attract students in particular periods of time. I might not have a new student for a week and then a dozen would appear within three hours. It is not different from a fisherman who must wait for hours without results, and then suddenly hits a school of fish. Up until that time, he is repairing his nets and servicing his other equipment. This allows him to be ready for the run when it occurs. An effort made during a positive cycle can bring fifty times the return of the same effort made during a negative cycle, when we should keep our energy within ourselves, preparing and surrendering.

As a puzzle comes together, each piece becomes more vital. It adds to the sense of the whole and helps to clarify where missing pieces belong. Growing should be exactly the same. Each event should add to the pattern and clarify the future development of our life. A person’s inability to accept his own existence is remarkable. People close within themselves when situations that they wish for are taken away from them. They react as if it were a personal rejection instead of understanding it as part of a revolving energy that is reflected by the attaching and detaching of people. A scientist seeing clusters of organisms form and separate under a microscope understands that this is nature working by the attraction and repulsion of energy. We can accept this as a natural phenomenon because it is easy to separate from a minute organism when looking at it through an instrument. Detachment is the ability to look at yourself through the shaft of time and see the attraction and repulsion of your life with exactly the same attitude that a scientist can view organisms.

The world is filled with people who have to be part of somebody else’s drama. Most of the accidents on highways occur as people slow down to view a disaster. The accumulated energy that is wasted in one July 4th weekend on the highways of America would be more than enough to effect the cure of cancer. On the other hand, the capacity to change a country like China in two decades, from having an abysmal lack of national unity to what it is today, is extraordinary. The Chinese always tended to make great drama out of any incident. This same energy has been harnessed into a highly conscious and driving effort. It is certainly more worthwhile to allow for individual growth as in a democracy, than to force everyone into the same mold; but very few of the people in power wish to train individuals to attain their own freedom. It is sufficient, in their minds, to create a more unified society regardless of the loss of individual freedom.

Energy is the call to God. As the energy builds and expands, it has within itself the capacity to communicate on a much higher level than the limitation that we place on it with our mind and emotions. This is the reason why people who work for spiritual growth in a state of surrender are always heard by God. They have the simplicity and faith that allow their energy to gather naturally. It is like firing a living projectile in a straight line. As it goes through the atmosphere in an open condition, it has to grow and grow and at the same time gain elevation. Everything it touches becomes nourishment.

It is only human beings who continually turn the energy they absorb into something heavy and dead, because all their creative capacity has been drained into the tensions of their mind and emotions, rather than being absorbed into their being. The living energy that can build in a person is in itself the creation of the seed of our rebirth. It awakens from its latent condition within us because we have an ultimate objective that is above the level of the earth. This allows all energy to enter a human being and go into the highest place, which is the soul or the umbilicus between ourselves and creation. It is this from which we were separated, as our soul entered the womb with the first drop of semen. The true spiritual being is continually expanding his consciousness and his potential, just as a living plant, by the very nature of its growth, takes in a waste product, refines it, and gives off oxygen. A real human being takes in vast amounts of work, refines it, and psychically, spiritually, and chemically, puts it back into the atmosphere in a much higher form.

The great miracles that occur at religious shrines and temples all over the world have to do with the energy that accumulates there, and the prayerful receptivity with which the believers approach the situation. Their attitude and the rich atmosphere allow them to surrender deep inner tensions, which in turn permits their health to be restored.

Prayer is a very rich experience for many people as it allows them to relate to a higher energy. From this power, they can receive the insights that they wish. Prayer should not only be the outcome of desperation, but the expression of consciousness. It is extraordinary that a human being who receives the positive result of prayer does not sustain this effort every day, so that the help that is wanted continues to nourish him.

The principle of prayer is incorporated in energy projection. When you meet a brilliant business man who is deeply involved with future projects, he talks with great intensity about his plans. At the same time, he is very busy finishing off other projects and maintaining work that he had done in the past. This is the fundamental difference between a dreamer and a doer. A doer is projecting the future while he is still consciously attached to the past and the present. This gives him momentum. It also allows the movement of the projected work to draw upon the foundation of accumulated energies.

Anyone who ever started a garden understands the process that is involved. The first year it is necessary to remove rocks and cut down trees. Extensive nourishment has to be put into the soil; drainage has to be arranged. All of the work makes the next season a simple responsibility of maintaining what was done previously. This usually allows the person to develop the land further because success encourages expansion.

Not having a particular person to guide me for most of my life, I have always had to project my own future. Whenever I was in India, I would try to see a half dozen different palmists, astrologers, psychics, readers of ancient books and other people gifted in the craft of spiritual forecasting. It as like getting six maps of an unknown area. By placing them one on top of another it helped to clarify the situation. It also gave me the opportunity to conceive of a higher possibility and understand the sacrifices that might be necessary for me to attain it. I do not believe in the logic of modern science, though I accept its conclusions. I only believe in attainment, which is to use everything that is available to attain a higher potential. To not take advantage of all of the things that are available in this world as a means of conscious growth, is to accept the limitation of one’s ego and one’s defensiveness. To use everything, is to allow what exists to guide us to our ultimate destination; to free us from our own limitations and detach us from everything on the physical and material level. When you can surrender everything, you can enjoy everything.

To really serve another person is to be detached from them, so that you can see them as they are. It is then possible to help them, not by your will, but according to the lines within their being. Much like a rock has grain and can only be cut along the line that God has placed within it, so a human being can only evolve along his karmic potentials. As the rock is endless in depth, a true student can have his entire karma cut away and a whole new rock exposed. If he has the capacity to surrender, the form that exists can then be smashed and a new block of stone is exposed beneath, which allows another finer sculpture to be formed.

For years, I have had people tell me how much I look like a Buddha. Recently, I went to a dinner party where I did not eat because I was on a fast. I had already lost twenty-five pounds. My host and hostess, whom I love very much, remarked that I had such a strong shape that they both found the weight that I carried a beautiful thing. I said it is very much like forging a great cannon. It succeeded in defending me while I had tensions that required this kind of an instrument. But my atmosphere had changed enormously and I felt the weight of this image was a restriction to my future growth. I felt I no longer needed the security of it, and I was less concerned about maintaining other people’s security based on what I seem to be physically.

One of the profound statements in the Bible is "Thou shall not worship images." It does not refer to statues, but to the image of one’s self. It is part of surrendering to allow the changing of images to take place. Nature, in its extraordinary expression, always gives animals an appearance that protects them in the environment in which they exist. It is man’s will that has distorted his form. It is not according to the law of nature, but according to the law of man that he assumes different shapes. These distortions are produced by enormous tensions which, until they are released, limit the growth potential and spiritual evolvement of a human being.

The best development of any situation is when it becomes part of the evolving expression of a human being. Then it is not a reflection of the past or a projection of the future, but the vital connection of the moment that is concerned with growing and fulfilling itself. If this moment contains all the creative energy of the past, it must also open the door to the future, allowing the two points to be connected. The great gaps that appear in this process for most people have to do with their illusions, which do not connect with anything, and so do not allow energy to flow from one point to the other, and create life through time. Illusions completely blank out everything. They take energy but produce nothing that has a positive capacity for growth.

To try to evolve completely in this world is to have a sense of our own nothingness. This process cannot exclude anyone or anything. What one cannot accept is a restriction. Such limitations exist not to frustrate us, but to act as a barometer. Everything that we are incapable of absorbing and digesting represents what we have not reached. It is, in a sense, our inventory for future work and should not be dismissed.

The solution to every dilemma that we attract can only be found through the process of detaching and working to raise the level of our energy. This will bring forth the creative answer, because we are drawing all the tensions and limitations of our existence into higher places, so that all the problems on one level are being reduced to a flow of energy. It is only the mind and emotions that try to accept and reject. But through surrender and consciousness, all parts of a situation are used to produce an enlightened solution that covers all the contingencies.

A mature person in a difficult situation has the capacity to act if a solution is visible to them. If it is not, he has learned to wait until the situation builds and reveals itself. I have, throughout my own life, watched and waited until I understood. Many times the various parts of a situation had not yet come together, so that the real chemistry involved could not possibly be sensed. All truth must come from the maturing of the component parts of a situation, so that the energy is free to rise to a higher level.

It is like the racial problems that exist in our country today. The lack of maturity in all parties necessitates an endless number of partial solutions. It is only when we grow up enough to love ourselves, that we can begin to love our neighbor, and the problems between us can be resolved.

The seeds of creative resolution can be developing at different levels simultaneously. Evolving on one level in no way limits that of another. In fact, the flowering on one level is the manifestation of potential on all levels. It is only our inability to focus on several things simultaneously that keeps the flow of our energy from going to many different levels and dimensions within us.

It is as if a human being were a garden of hundreds of bushes and plants, 20 or 30 percent of which were in bloom. We are not working for the isolated development of a particular realization. Our garden should be continually producing a profusion of beauty that is the manifestation of creative development.

I witnessed one of the worst expressions of such a process when I came to a temple where a great teacher had recently died. All I heard was the lamentation that the master was gone. I could feel the soul of this teacher still hovering, waiting for people to reach to a higher atmosphere to make contact with him. Instead, everyone looked at the emptiness that was the physical form. They never tired of expressing their despair, looking too close to the earth for what had gone to another dimension.

It is a misconception to look for spirituality on the physical level, when, by its very nature the energy must exist on a higher plane. All the symbols of evolvement suggest the need to look above. Levitation, astral travel, angels, and tantric practice all pertain to an intense and refined energy that cannot exist in the heavy atmosphere close to the earth. It is impossible to bring these experiences to somebody who is sitting on the earth and waiting for them to fall upon him. He must develop the capacity to reach up into the atmosphere to attain that which is always there.

People occasionally wish to make a sacrifice for their spiritual growth. They judge themselves inadequately due to some personal standard, rather than allowing their growth to judge them. These man-made whims are responsible for mutilating large numbers of potentially creative and spiritual people.

It is similar to a young girl intending to pursue a career in the theater who has been convinced that she must satisfy the producer’s lust in order to get a part. She wears makeup and dresses in clothes that she feels are necessary to attain her theatrical ambitions. Anyone looking at her would think she was a street walker, but she feels she is preparing herself for a great theatrical career. What she is actually preparing herself for is a sacrifice that in no way will bring about her success. So much brutalization is perpetuated by people in the battle of life that it is truly remarkable that any positive results take place. Such needless sacrifice is produced by illusions that people maintain about their situation, even though they may be realistic about other aspects of their life, with which they do not identify so closely. Disease among animals is stamped out quickly because of the economic value of the animal. Disease among plants is treated and cured. Among people, the situation is more complicated. Americans, for example, have gone to the aid of weaker countries and have helped them abolish such diseases as tuberculosis, yellow fever, and plague. But we have great difficulty in helping ourselves because of an inbred complacency that does not allow the reality of our situation to cause an appropriate reaction. Society is an enormous beast that does not recognize its problems, because its size and insensitivity make it feel that strength alone makes a situation healthy.

A good example of an attempt to produce a last minute change is found in the Catholic Church. After two thousand years of accumulated abuse, it is cutting itself to ribbons in its wish to improve. In the process, it is tearing out the ideas and regulations that function as the arteries that carry the energy within the church. The simple statement "God is love" was the foundation upon which Christianity built the church as the manifestation of Jesus Christ. The vastness of the system above and around the spirit is what choked the flow of love from Christianity, and built an enormous structure to replace it. To tear this structure down is to also destroy the system through which this love was flowing. If the basic concept were again the source of nourishment, the energy would return to its prime level and the capacity to revitalize itself would exist. The larger the structure, the further away it is from the basic energy.

The attempt to revitalize a human being faces similar problems. One should not look for a new channel but put into the old channel the energy that was there at one time. It is very difficult for the mind of a person to return to the original concept, particularly since the passage of time changes the outer manifestation. We always look for the connection that we need, and cannot see it. It should be felt and understood through its ability to accomplish our objectives, not by its outer form. It is man’s limitation to demand that things stay the same. It is the role of nature that the inner mechanism and flow of creative energy increase proportionately to the outer expansion and change of manifestation.

When you plant a tomato, you expect it to go through various stages. You put the seed in the ground, water it, expose it to the sun, and watch the green shoots come up. It becomes tall and produces small green tomatoes. They expand and eventually ripen to become red tomatoes. Through these many changes, which are only the expression of energy altering manifestation, we do not destroy what is growing. But in life, people want to see nourishment between themselves manifesting as a constant, There should be a great inner sensitivity that feels the growth and appreciates the change. This is the consciousness at very few people experience.

Life is only desired by the fool. It is not a sense of mystery, but dealing with the complexity that motivates people in their ordinary existence. hey cannot afford to see the truth, because the lightness and simplicity of a drop of energy endlessly expanding reduces all external dramas to nothingness. Detachment, which allows all things to come o the point where they can then be surrendered, only reflects the tension that has been removed from the grain of spirit that is man’s rue state. It is only through this consciousness that peace can be obtained. Our life is the great simplicity that has been magnified into extraordinary tension and complexity, reflecting the tightness of the atmosphere that does not allow man to find the miracle buried within himself.

A symptom is nature’s way of alerting a human being to the fact that is system is not functioning correctly. It is then possible for him to look inside to find the cause. It is only in recent times that we resort to surgery to remove what is only a reflection of a block in the mind. It is our inability to use creative energy consciously that has created his condition, which is rendered chronic by our illusions that bleed our life energy into the atmosphere.

Wars are a great and obvious example of this condition. It is always the naivete of people to feel that, by killing other human beings, they are making the world a better place in which to live. The First World War was "the war to end all wars." This motto could only have originated in America, as we were new to this experience. The European countries, having fought wars for two thousand years, were less naive. Since World War 11, we have realized that war does not make the world a free place for democracy, but rather it is another kind of business. It is through war that the economic balance of a culture is maintained. This is a sophisticated and difficult idea, and most people are too immature to accept that war is essential for our country to sustain itself. It would be impossible for the President to ever talk cold turkey because nobody would accept the responsibility for fighting a war for economic reasons. It takes maturity to understand that life is difficult, and that it forces people to make many unhappy choices. It would certainly be easier for a President if he had a nation that understood the needs that he, as a parent of the country, must accept. But he knows that his children, with their Santa Claus attitude, never could understand the basis of the nation’s existence. To state facts as they are has never been within the capacity of any religious or political institution. It is necessary to give people partial truths and great illusions, which allow them to believe what they can afford to believe. It does not make people strong; it only keeps them in a state of ignorance.

I have been in many, many countries. The opportunity for individuals to develop in the United States is unmatched anywhere. We are the only culture that allows such freedom. But we do not defend this reality. Rather, we try to inflict the American way of life on others, whether it suits them or not. We have the best truths in existence, and the worst illusions.

We generally look to India for spiritual truth, but the spirituality that exists there today is a reflection of the energy that came into being during the renaissance of Indian culture in the 8th century. India, at that point, was not only at its spiritual height, but also was the wealthiest country in the world. It is only through richness and deep energy that the nourishment can be obtained that sustains spiritual growth. Privation breeds ignorance, for even the brain does not receive the nourishment that it needs to be free.

Physical life must be enriched until its energy is refined to a spiritual level. Then the energy of the spiritual must be refined until it creates a state of being that allows this outer force to express itself as a separate person. It is in no way limited by the physical or the spiritual, as it is a by-product of a more refined energy. It becomes the essence of spirituality, and as such is superior to that from which it comes. It is this force that can become a teacher. Though it is produced by years of spiritual work, it is very rarely understood by the person having it, because it is the atmosphere that surrounds him, not his physical structure. One can meet a saint one doesn’t like and still benefit by being in their presence. Their refined and detached energy can be consciously drawn into one’s self and become the force that can create a spiritual life, as only this type of energy nourishes the inner seed of a human being. It is refined enough to penetrate all the other levels and reach the soul deep within the person.

There is a further step above this one that allows someone to direct his energy and place it within people who do not have the capacity or opportunity to otherwise receive it. This is the beginning of another dimension of experience.

Many examples of this process occurred around Swami Nityananda. People hundreds of miles from where he lived would have a vision of him in their sleep and hear him say things pertaining to their personal situation. It was in every way an example of a miraculous energy filling the atmosphere and going where it was needed. By the very nature of his development, everyone felt individually loved and looked after.

The ability for two people or a group of people to develop a creative situation allows them to attract more energy. By its growing, everyone will grow. By its changing, everyone will need to be more conscious.The development of a situation requires that all illusions be cut away.They are like skin that separates layers of nourishment. Illusions protect the content and keep the life force fresh within. As the need for nourishment expands, the walls break down and the nourishment pours into the person.

The mechanism of a human being is extraordinary. The body can very often be revolted by the person who occupies it. I have often had people come and express all kinds of violent reactions toward them-selves. I have tried to explain to them that what they call their conscious mind has so completely alienated itself from the deep unconscious within them, that it has in a sense begun to reject them.it understands and, as a desperate act, tries to seal itself away from the so- called conscious man who is abusing it. Disease, skin eruptions,odor, tensions-all of these things are the unconscious expression of the pollution being perpetrated by the superficial. A person with boils who smells bad is not different from an ocean with dead fish floating on the surface. It signifies that the pollution level has gone beyond a critical point and that something is dying. It is possible to take certain superficial measures to chemically put the system back in balance, but this may only produce a deeper and less discernable disease. It is the expression of will, not of surrender, to artificially try to keep our own nature in harmony. People will drink and abuse their system, and then go to gym to work out and take steam baths to keep up their surface appearance. They are insensitive to the condition of the organs within them that are trying to cleanse themselves.

People always express creativity under tension, which limits the potential of what they are reaching for, as the tensions eat up a great deal of the creative force. Many people who wish to attain success in this life justify bad manners, cheating, and lying as the means to the end.These attitudes only dry out and block the muscles that contain the energy that brings about the fulfillment.

A reservoir is successful because of the enormity of the tributaries that feed into it, the vastness of the forest that retains the water, and the consciousness with which it was situated. The usefulness of what is contained is ultimately based on its purity. If there is pollution working into the system all of the effort is worthless. But it takes a great amount of life experience to realize how vital purity is to the final outcome.

I have been increasingly grateful that I started working at an early age and have had to surrender so much. Through time, I have understood why, when others attained a particular end, they did not rise above it, due to their need for premature success. Their immaturity allowed them to indenture themselves and limit their own development. All the judges of hell are within each human being. They are the muscles that close when we do not put the necessary nourishment into them by using our energy in wrong directions.

It is again the limitation in the mind of a human being who succumbs to an immediate need, instead of choosing what is essential for the long run.

The ability to collect energy is always manifested by the quality of the people surrounding any human being. If they are healthy and growing, then they are like great trees around a reservoir, in that they are holding energy, joy, and sweetness. Negativity, on the other hand, is like a mustard gas that eats into the flesh and bones of people. The degree to which we allow other people to spread this poison gas in the atmosphere is an expression of our own deep unconsciousness. The psychological warfare that people inflict upon each other is the most insidious battle that we fight. That it is unconscious and innocent in no way makes it less detrimental.

A person with a hustler’s mind, shopping for bargains in the spiritual marketplace, always ends up buying exactly what will keep him from any realization in his ordinary life. It certainly will not give him the return for his effort, time, and money. There is no bargain in spirituality. There is only the willingness to do the work that is required to grow from one level to another. Surrender must be complete. It is not trying to appease a situation by doing what you think somebody else wants, but it is surrendering totally to God so that you attract exactly what is needed, not what your limited concept of the need or your interpretation of the need is. It is only by living fully that we attract situations that force us to raise the level of our energy, in order to defend what we have attained. This, in turn, reinforces the newly developed muscle system associated with this higher capacity and consciousness.

When we begin a new relationship or spiritual teaching, we are in a unique condition. Because it is the beginning, there are endless ways in which we can attach ourselves to the person or situation. It is the nature of the mind, after one or two encounters, to limit what we feel we are willing to pay, as well as to limit the elasticity and scope of the potential relationship. It is essential for our growth to keep our mind and emotions open, so that we do not constrict the creative energy that is trying to go where it wants to go. We continually take situations on the lowest level and completely deny the existence of other higher emotions, forces, and dimensions. It is always necessary to categorize a situation as existing on the physical, or working toward the spiritual, or on the purely spiritual level. Many times people react because of a physical need. This does not mean their values are physical, but that their physical need is manifested at a particular moment.It should certainly be the consciousness of the people involved to take care of the physical, if necessary, so that the emotions and mind are free to work on higher spiritual levels.

We often try to reconcile a situation on its highest level, when it depends upon a lesser and more practical need. It is like trying to negotiate a contract with somebody, while they are standing and you are sitting. The lack of awareness of their physical disadvantage in itself keeps a solution from becoming realized. Perpetuation of a spiritual pecking system within a school or ashram does more to destroy the potential growth than any other factor. Forcing a student to go through a series of ego trips of other people before they can present their problem to a teacher distorts the situation enormously. It is always essential to have a problem presented as simply and directly as possible.

I remember many years ago having gone to a doctor because of a strange growth in my calf. He and his colleagues were fascinated and puzzled. They wanted to let the tumor develop until they could diagnose it. I protested violently and demanded that it be operated on immediately. It was removed and that was the end of it. I thank God that I didn’t need to know the answer to their question. Sometimes by simply removing something from a person or situation, it keeps the dramatic from taking place. It is when we can surrender the need for this drama that we can remove from our life anything that drains us.A simple cut with a knife can take care of the situation completely and forever.

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