
In the atmosphere exists an endless array of refined spiritual beings. Their sole purpose is to find people into whom they can pour their higher spiritual energies, so that their lives can be recycled into the world to serve the development of mankind. It is necessary for these higher elements to find a void or atmosphere in which they can grow, a soul similar to that from which they evolved. It is only possible to receive such beings in a deep state of surrender, and by consciously breaking down the constipation within our selves. We always assume a capacity that becomes our limitation. it should be an essential consciousness in anyone seeking spirituality to deepen their openness every day, and to simultaneously feel the rising of their energy to a higher level. It is this experience that keeps the ego from forming, because its root system is torn up as the flow of energy goes to a new dimension. it is only when working beyond ourselves that the experience of nothingness allows the gratitude in man to ascend towards God. Otherwise, there is always the danger of becoming satisfied in the ego instead of being open to the endlessness of the potential of creative growth. The spiritual gifts in the atmosphere are like vortices or spheres. Upon finding a receptive person with the nourishment to support their life, they work their way into the human being and begin to grow. It is the consciousness of having taken in such a gift that makes a person more humble and allows the gift to develop. One must surrender so that it is in control and can nourish itself from within us, just as a mother does instinctively with an unborn child. A willful person with a gift tries to shape it to his desire, and becomes its limitation. Only by surrendering to the gift can creative expansion occur. In the cosmos, there are white holes pouring positive energy into our universe. There are also black holes that allow life force to flow out. On a lesser level, the atmosphere of the earth generates great energy in the form of cyclones. These vortices are produced when two life forces, hot and cold air, meet around the equator and create a new force, which is the cyclone itself. The same principle in a human being allows the negative tension and constipation within us to fall away and our wish, which is reaching for a higher energy, to come together and create in us the void that attracts these cosmic spores. In most great religions, there is a basic Trinity. In this instance, it is the Trinity of death, rebirth, and the wish to grow spiritually that attracts the outside force or creative energy in the atmosphere. We have the ability to develop, through these experiences, an appetite that can invoke a sensitized consciousness that, like a pig rooting out truffles, can smell and sense its nourishment. An example of this process recently occurred in my life. I had taken two students with me on a trip to India in April of 1972. In order to clarify certain situations, I went with them to several different mediums and astrologers, palmists and card readers. One of these psychics told a student of mine, who was the closest person to me at that moment, that although I would always be his teacher, he would physically separate from me within six months. There was nothing in my mind hat found this acceptable, but the manner in which the young man received the information showed that it was sympathetic to his thinking. It allowed me to surrender in myself and accept the possibility so that I was able to discuss it with him. He said that he wished to live in France, as he felt he had a karmic situation there. I did not believe it, and felt the wish was more an expression of his ego than his fate; but, as he was young, I felt he was entitled to pursue whatever was necessary in his life before following his spiritual development to the level it would take him in a few years. Another psychic we had seen, who was very careless and in no way had earned my respect, had suggested to me that in September a great spiritual event could occur if I returned to India. It seemed this event would take place along the Ganges, on my way to the small mountain town of Mussoorie. Because the first psychic had been so correct, I page 111 the first psychic’s capacity. It is difficult to understand, but these possibilities exist. It is like having a brilliant friend who brings along a rather unattractive wife. In the glamour of the man, the wife begins to sparkle. In the brilliance of the first psychic’s capacity, I tried to bring life to the lesser psychic’s ability, and to embrace a fact to which I felt drawn. In my mind, they grew together and bloomed. When I returned to India in September, I brought the two friends I had gone with in April, and two other men who were teaching for me in the United States. We returned to the gifted psychic in Bombay, who began to expand on the idea that his lesser counterpart had originally provoked. It was as if my grafting had allowed him to assume the concept as his own. This type of transference takes place in conversation every day. There are advertising offices where an idea comes from one person, is developed by another, and becomes the product of a third without the ability of anyone to determine exactly where the birth took place, In the end, it is not the birth but the raising of a child that becomes the reward of creation. I was able to reaffirm the fact that toward the very end of September, somewhere between Hard- war and Rishikesh oil the way to Mussoorie, I would have a very deep experience with an ancient being 700 years old. I tried to remember a Zen story where a student goes to a great teacher and asks how to become enlightened. The teacher tells the student not to think of monkeys. The innocent student, who never thought of monkeys before, suddenly could not get them out of his mind. I felt the story was pertinent to my own situation. I could not embrace every ancient-looking man I met and try to project upon him the quality that I was supposed to find in this great spiritual encounter. Any emotional condition I generated would only prevent me from finding what should be seeking me if I stayed open. . . . see five It was quite a treat for the local population in Hardwar to white bodies descending the steps into the Ganges. We gathered a crowd of people who fortunately lost interest in us in about twenty- five minutes. It is not possible to easily describe the effect that the river had on me, and on the people that were with me. It nourished something very deep in our being with a vibrant and bubbling energy. I had been in the Ganges before, but previously I had felt there must be some type of illusion involved. Now all those with me had the same experience. I bathed and dunked my head in the water, allowing it to deeply cleanse me. I did not feel it was right to linger, trying to attract something that I expected. As I walked away, I felt guilty when I made a second turn around to cover one corner of the bathing area again because I saw an old man. It was my only weakness in succumbing to the prophecy. My next stop was Rishikesh further up the Ganges. I expected to find Swami Chitananda there, and, if he was so disposed, to stay the night, which would allow me to spend the following day near the Ganges. We were welcomed at the Divine Light Center at ishikesh and told that Swami Chitananda had left the day before on a three-week trip. I felt it was God telling me to move on. We drove to Derijin where I expected to stop. But the feeling was very claustrophobic in Derijin and we had an unhappy experience there. Something within me was craving the mountain air and so we drove on to Mussoorie. We found an enormous hotel that was wonderfully quiet. The air was pure and beautiful. About 5 p.m., it was cold enough to start a fire. I was seated in my room with my four students, thinking about exploring the local town, when suddenly an enormous head of a very old man began manifesting near the ceiling. A brilliant white light surrounded it, sending enormous energy into the atmosphere. As I worked, the energy poured from me to my students and it became obvious that the prophecy was taking place. Everything in me opened to receive this saintly looking person. I started crying very deeply as I felt him entering me. For the next two days, he kept coming in and going out until he finally settled very deeply inside me. When I returned to Bombay, I spoke to the psychic. He said it was remarkable that I could visually and physically experience what I did. It was a three-part experience; that which I just experienced being the most subtle. In three months, a second part would take place, while the final stage would be on my birthday, January 24th. The psychic then asked me to come out on the balcony where he gave me a very short and simple exercise that he said would help me enormously. I thanked him, paid his fee and left. It was a remarkable event for me to be able to take, in a casual manner, information from a professional person that I previously would have had to suffer enormously to receive from a spiritual teacher. The exercise worked for me in a most extraordinary way. It is with great happiness that I realize I am approaching the time of my life where I will be able to receive more and more of these spiritual gifts. I have the maturity and consciousness to take, and the discipline to put into effect, that which God has allowed me to attract. it is not to be superior, but to serve in a superior way that allows one to attract from the endlessness of creation. While I was in India, I went to another astrologer who was also quite psychic. One of the things this man predicted was that I would have balance zoomed downward from $30,000 in the last two weeks to minus $1,000 today. I have accomplished that piece of karma, and can wave at my passing bank balance in a very joyous way. My state of mind requires some explanation. I withdrew quite a bit of money, in preparation for this event, which represented my salary for the year. instead of taking what I usually take, I took twice as much so that when I reached this condition, I could borrow from myself. It is a way of fulfilling the prophecy in more pleasant circumstances. There are many ways of accepting a situation that can soften the result and even turn it into a triumph. I felt victorious, as the monies I used paid the freight on shipments representing many times the amount that I am short. So many of our problems in this life are created by taking a totally negative attitude towards the future, instead of using our difficulties as something we can work to transcend. I learned this lesson many years ago, when I sat in meditation, having at that point $2,800 in the bank. I asked what my situation would be in five years. I received an answer that I would have $3,000 in five years. This seemed a disaster, so I again asked for six hours until I received the answer that if I spent $2,800 a day, I would, at the end of five years, have $3,000 in the bank and a very large inventory. Instead of sitting and worrying about my money for years to come, I was to use it over and over again, which would bring vitality to my life and business. So many of our problems exist because we do not continue to surrender until we get a positive answer. Life is not to torture a human being. It is only to guide us and provide challenging situations to which we can find positive answers. The limitation of our development comes from not approaching these situations in enough depth to allow their energy to become part of our life force. We live superficially and are ground down by situations which, if we open deeply to them, would nourish us and make it possible to rise above them. It is the continual cry of someone staying in a situation with the same attitude, that the world is against them. It is not that anyone is against them, it is only that they are being told repeatedly that they are in a situation with the wrong attitude. If they changed, the situation would flow and detach from them. Then they would be free.

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