Talk by Swami Rudrananda (Rudi) Part I
December 21, 1972

    Our work, as you also know by this time, is organic being of energy in some muscles, which allows the muscles to open. And this energy as it grows and is going through the different chakras is refined. And it's very much the nature of any kind of process that the refinement allows the instrument change.

    Once you have refined energy for a long period of time it changes its consistency and it changes also its density, and it changes also its capacity of the nature of how it is to be used. And so much of what goes on in us as we work for a long period of time has to do with these changing chemical and changing spiritual energies within us. So that our wish for consistency; this nature of the human being to want to experience anything and have that experience constant of course, is impossible. It's impossible to have any experience, if you're really working to have that experience, and have it substantiate itself on repetition. It doesn't work that way. Because you refine energy and then the refined energy demands a change of mechanism.

   When we go through these things, the whole thing of mysticism, spirituality is to allow for these changes. It's no different than trying to go in with a rook crusher and crushing rocks down to pebbles. You use a particular kind of mechanism that has teeth that are this long and it breaks up rocks. When you have a gravel machine to make sand, it has much shorter teeth and it does the proper job. When, you choose something that turns gravel into sand you have a different kind of mechanism again. Because the thicker the energy, the stronger the kind of mechanism that is used.

   And the remarkable capacity of a human being is that, not only can we change, but our entire mechanism changes. This goes through stages and these are natural stages to the psyche of the body and the energy of a human being. Trying to do these things out of order is also part of what destroys our potential. Because we first have to break up this heavy mass of ourselves in the very ordinary level. This horizontal level of physical work and responsibility and discipline.

   If we don't develop within ourselves discipline, and we don't develop within ourselves a capacity to function on a more brutal level, this competitive level of life, and really, in a sense with it, then we in no way have the capacity to have this thickness that is within us changed to something which can be used in a finer mechanism.

   To try to do advanced spiritual work for somebody who has never worked properly; to try and do an astral flight is impossible. You will then leave something behind. When you do such a thing, which will make it impossible for you to recapture it in the future. Any development that we are working on should be a development, which we can incorporate into our ordinary day, and be able to expand on. Not to have an experience once or twice. But to have a consistency. Just as we really wish to feed a cow, and be able to milk the cow, and continually increase by the amount that we give in nourishment -- the amount that we give in effort by the product we take from that which we nourish.

   And we should be able to try to understand when we feel in ourselves these changes of pressure, these changes within ourselves, these inconsistencies. They really are only the changing over of energy or the changing over of the mechanism that is within us.

   And we only are two things finally. We are a spiritual mechanism and a spiritual energy. If you feel the energy changing, then later we have to expect the mechanism to change. If we feel the mechanism changing it means that the energy has already changed. And we have to find within ourselves these sensitivities so that we have the ability to use consciously something, which has already been realized, within our body and within our brain.

   And no effort that we have is worth anything if it does not become part of our consciousness. It has to eventually become part of our working system our mechanical capacity that we develop an appetite which recognizes a particular energy, or we have a mechanism that is dependent on a particular kind of fuel or energy or refinement of the forces we're working with.

   Until we call upon ourselves, really ask within ourselves, and continually use within ourselves changes.. (... blasts someone ...) that we have to have within ourselves some capacity to recognize the things we have obtained through our work. An so any result that you get that you feel inside, that your heart opens, and you breath in, and you feel this energy flow down to a lower chakra, then you have to increase the flow. You have to consciously increase the flow so that this thing that opens in you, this tube in you which can carry more energy has to carry at least as much as the most that it carried before.

   And it's the demand in you that allows these muscles, these things to function from one area of your body to another. If you find that you have an exercise today which has brought some energy up your spine than it's natural and normal to not only expect it but to really to expand so that you increase that. That you really feel at the base of your spine so that this thing can open. Because any part of you, anything between one chakra and another chakra is nothing more than plumbing, it's piping. So that you suddenly have a tremendous experience then you have to try to feel in you as the energy say coming from the top of your head, and it's coming down here then you try to increase it from a quarter-inch pipe to a half-inch pipe. It's no different then running out in a rainstorm with one bucket. If you really are living in a place, which doesn't have much water, then you find vessels; you find a million things that can gather in this water, and a place that you can store it away, and you can use it.

   We have within ourselves an amazing capacity to open and to store spiritual energy. And that place is really up here. That we can cycle the energy down and bring it to the top of our head so while we're going through an experience and we begin to feel a buildup. And these things don't come out of the blue; they usually build up over a period of time. You feel a change atmosphere; you feel a change in your body. There's a different kind of movement in your body. And it's just the same kind of buildup that comes before a great storm. You can smell it. You can feel it. Your whole body and system relates to that. And to get caught out in this kind of a rainstorm with no umbrella, and just one little bucket means you're taking very little consciously from this enormous result that you've worked for a long time.

   Inside when we feel this thing coming, we can sit very quietly and really go inside and say, "that's right," I feel that something very big is happening. I wish to surrender in a much deeper way. And you begin to feel in you that these muscles or rivers that can carry the energy will really open at that time. When a woman is giving birth she opens to allow this child to come through. This is part of nature that really allows for her to function this way. Spirituality is also part of nature. But it is only the consciousness, and only consciousness that allows nature and you to allow for this change.

   A human being not using his conscious mind has absolutely no capacity to grow spirituality. And everything in nature is trying to tell you "this is coming about, there is a situation which is evolving and that you have to call on yourself". That's part of sitting and asking. You say, "Look, I feel something is going to happen. Please let me to open." So that you really will feel at a time when something is in the atmosphere. You feel something that is possible for you and your growth and you, with your conscious mind, call to this deep thing that is in your unconscious, which allows us to prepare and open up and take in this treasure which is coming in the atmosphere. And it is really only that that allows for this extraordinary growth in a human being to take place.

   I mean we have exactly the reverse situation. We wake up in the morning and we feel terrible. We feel grouchy. We find a million things don't work right and these are barometers trying to show us that this in a day to keep quiet to stay as easy as possible. It's a day to put on a brighter colored shirt, to go down and start saying good morning to people. Because you can't afford anything not to connect in you in a very real way. And we have to learn to listen to really understand that everything in the atmosphere is working for us. It is trying to show us how to work better, how to open and take advantage of the natural cycles of energy, the natural cycles of spirituality and mysticism, which exist.

   So that you're sitting and you feel a tingling in you that's time to turn off the television set, it's time to stop reading a book, and sit and really try to open and take that beginning of this energy flowing in and coming into the atmosphere and really open to it.

   And it's just exactly the thing that you see people do when they surf. They watch and study the wave, and they jump on. They really go and they go and they really coast it. And we have to learn to study all of these signs that try to come and show us that this is the direction that our life is taking today, or at this particular moment. And it's essential to understand that. That we don't identify in a negative way, but we really see everything as working to either help us be a little more conservative and save our energy, or opening and taking in an enormous amount of new force that can help us to grow. And there are only these two conditions. There are only conditions that allow us to preserve what we have, and those, which allow us to add to what we already know.

   To lose energy, to lose a situation, to in any way come to a lesser level has to do with abysmal stupidity, an abysmal lack of understanding. And not trying to watch the situation, not trying to understand. I mean a fisherman out on the ocean can feel the breeze. He can smell and watch the clouds, and knows when it is time to head for shore.

   We have lost all of our sensitivity, all of our capacity to take the warning signs, to know when to be quiet or when to lay low, and we certainly in the same way, have not learned when to open, when's the time to really reopen and draw in this tremendous treasure that is trying to come into us from the atmosphere.

   And all of this is really the only way we can grow. And as we grow in our energy, then we can reach up and draw out of the atmosphere past incarnations, and all of the levels of past knowledge that exist. These are all structured in the atmosphere above where we ordinarily live, and we have to grow up to them.

   And it's only by our ability to conserve our energy to open and take in more energy that will allow us to reach into the atmosphere and reach into ourselves simultaneously and make this connection. It is essential that you in your own life look at the people around you, the people that you love, the people that you identify with and use them as a barometer that you see you are smiling at this one and open to that one. It means that you have the capacity to really take in energy. But when you are closed, when you don't have in you a sense of connection on the physical level, then you certainly cannot in any way, shape or form, have a connection on a higher spiritual or creative energy level. One thing is the barometer of the other.

   Our physical life, in every way, is a barometer of our spiritual capacity. And when we are working very very strongly, and we're very connected this way, spiritually, then certain things have to be sacrificed on the physical level. And we have to know when to pay and how to pay.

   One of the disasters of our life and certainly of spirituality is that the structure of "don't do and do" and what is right and what is wrong is set down so strongly, and it pertains to a certain level of development. It does not retain any value when you go beyond certain levels. They're valid within a certain context and a certain level of energy. And you have to, within yourself, understand, that while you are under the rules of the earth, while astrology in a sense applies to you, so does every thing else on that level.

   And you have to really watch your energy, you have to watch your manners, you have to really relate to people and understand from your feeling and flow on a physical level. You have a sense of your capacity to open to a higher level, and take. If you can't take this work, it is completely illusionary to think you can take that work.

   People represent the manifestation of our energy. And the more vast and complex this network is on a purely physical level, the more energy we have to open on a higher spiritual level. And it's incredibly important for you to see how you relate, how you feel, and your openness, and in a sense the good wishes in you toward other people -- that really in every way demonstrates your elasticity, your ability to draw from this level and reach up. It is only by being consciously attached and consciously detached from life, that you can draw the energy from life, and really go to a higher spiritual level.

   It's no different when you go from a spiritual level to certainly a much higher spiritual level. You can't create in your own mind things you feel are right and wrong. Either they are encompassed in your growth, used up in your growth, or they continually nourish you. Raising above any situation is valuable only in the sense that the situation you rise above still feeds you. And it is completely symbolized in a child and a parent. If you can be nourished without being brought under the tension of a relationship with a parent, then you have the chance to grow beyond it. If you can't get away from that tension then you certainly have no capacity to take nourishment and rise above any situation. Life is in every way trying to express and show us symbolically and in every other way where we exist. And we deny situations and we deny at the same time our capacity to free ourselves and rise above it.

   Does anyone have a question?