Talk by Swami Rudrananda (Rudi) Part II
December 21, 1972

    I had a situation the other day, somebody comes to the class and they express a situation that was, at that point, very much in their life. And they were very crazy. And I agreed with them that they were crazy. So the next day I got a telephone call saying, "I got very upset because you told me I was crazy". And I said, "no. I didn't tell you that you were crazy, I agreed with you that you were crazy". And it's not unusual.

 Some people work above their tensions, some people work above their insanity. But if you don't have these things to work above you also have no dynamics in your life. And the fact is, almost everyone is crazy. And at one point or another more or less crazy. And everyone has within themselves these tensions that they must work above. And this is really our reality and it certainly is our consciousness. So when we talk about it we are not talking about your being insane, we're talking about your ability to be above a situation. And you have to really be able to see rationally when these situations come about. When you find that you are very very deeply caught up in your own mind and in your own insanity, or your own tensions, that you could admit that they exist, but simultaneously you can surrender them. It's really ego that allows a person to get crazier and crazier. It's only the sign of not getting the recognition that you require; so you make your world smaller and smaller. You close off and you don't let anybody come in a place where they threaten you. When you go into an insane asylum there is somebody living all by themselves in a world completely in which they are dominant, they are the master of this world. And you have to have a sense within yourself that the ability to open and break down these walls and tensions are really your capacity. But to really feel the need to be isolated certainly doesn't in any way represent a healthy attitude. It represents the inability to cope with the tensions of the outside world. And it is these tensions in every way that are our test. They're the natural test of a person's spirituality. You either can rise above then or you fall into them and you are consumed. Your energy is consumed. It's a right test because if your energy is eaten up by these tensions then you are in no way qualified as a human being to have the situation that goes with the responsibility. And so you're being disqualified by the test of life. And life is a very, very, very strong teacher. We have to try within ourselves to understand that what it shows us is really only a way of changing and improving within ourselves. Not accepting it; that's the insanity. We have to accept and we have to learn to adjust and work with what is given. And what we are given in our life is right for us. It’s the total composition of our creative capacity. It's just like someone giving you a puzzle or giving you any other kind of a game. It's given you with the consciousness that you have the ability to come through this day victoriously. The only way to come through is to start doing it. Not by looking at it and saying. "This is so vast and it's so strange and I don't understand, and it's a color and it's a this and it's a that,"...and analyzing it and talking about it in no way gives you the qualification for winning. Getting involved in, and doing it, and finding that you can move this from here because it doesn't fit... this kind of consciousness and simplicity, is the essential. You move around until you find the place where you can function and the place where you are acceptable. 

But fighting for something which isn't yours in no way ever allows for you to grow. And we all go through that. We become detached that way. We find that we burn because we're not given the recognition we want, we're not given the relationship we want, and we are then in a sense, pruned by nature. 

We go again and again to the same situation, and we find it impossible. And so we really burn up until we lose the attachment to that particular kind of situation. Nature is pruning us. It's burning from us the ability that we have to hold onto something which is not right for us. We have to understand it in a positive way. And we have to become very conscious that life is the great teacher, more than any single individual or any collective group of people. Because it tests everything creative and everything conscious.

 When life rejects us, then it means we have not qualified in a proper way. It means that we're reaching where we should not be. It's very easy in this existence to watch somebody else getting in the dumps and to feel smug about it. But we have to really look at them getting in the dumps and try to relate it to ourselves, to try to see what this thing is talking about. And we have so many people coming and so many teachers that exist, and everyone shows a very different capacity. And so as much as I learn from you, you who teach or wish to teach have to learn and see what works and what doesn't work. Try to feel yourself in somebody else's situation so that you can work through them. And it's a very simple thing to do. You open and you feel somebody else talking. You feel how it is. It is a very wonderful thing that's come about in the last couple of years where they've taken people who were paralyzed their whole lives and spastic their whole lives, and couldn't stand, and they really carried them and made them move. They really held them under the arms and they walked them for days and weeks and months and suddenly (they move). It's a thing called patterning. Suddenly, the brain would start to develop a pattern to really allow muscles to develop, to really make up for these things that are destroyed.

 It shows someone who is really crippled can learn something and function in a very real way. This is the whole reason and it should be one of your reasons of learning. When I'm teaching or somebody else is teaching, you can feel through somebody else and learn that pattern. You can pick up psychically, psychic patterns and psychic energy, not just from taking my energy but feeling the lines of energy. 

This is really the greatest of all gifts which are given in places like India. You can sit and become one with somebody until it creates a pattern in you. It doesn't make you like that person but allows your energy to come on certain lines and form certain lines and crystallization which you can grew into. 

You can certainly grow above them. You certainly, in my way, can lift other things in you to these levels. It's a very real way of learning. It's a way that I have learned. It's certainly my primary way of learning. And it doesn't have to become a limitation for you. That's only when you mimic somebody. For this is just taking creative lives and creative patterns and really letting them work for you. So you're not taking the personality of a person, you're taking their creative energy and creative structure. 

Does anyone have a question? 

I don't see how you could possibly hear something like that and think that you could know it. I really don't. I really find it impossible, that you can all sit here and listen to something which is so abstract and not find a question. It's absolutely ridiculous. 

Question: These lines of energy, are they actual lines or waves? 

Answer: They are molecular structures. It's the way somebody puts together one energy or another energy that makes the line of energy. 

This is you. You' re expressing your wish not to know. (unintelligible) ... and you can sit there, it's really amazing. I would never take this from anybody. And you all sit here like a bunch of dunces. It's really remarkable. I find it amazing. No, It's too late. You had the chance to ask a question. If anyone in the back wants to sit up front they can come before we start. There in such a tremendous tendency in people to isolate in themselves certain facts and try to justify them. And doing that, in every way, you wrench (you should have a cushion Richard? Nobody ever sits on a cushion like your sitting on the outside) You wrench the whole universe of every law that exists out of any form to try to justify what you want to do or what you think you want to do. The thing that really produces brotherhood, the nature of life, is something which is well structured and nourished and produces continually. And particularly when you sit here or you sit in your own atmosphere. You sit absolutely quiet. You sit as straight as you can and you try to feel this opening in you and the flow in you. And you keep your eyes open. We do open-eye meditation unless you absolutely feel your eyes closing. You keep your attention on me because you are trying to take and drink the exotic and extraordinary. We have such a tremendous tendency in that. Life in its real sense is very, very simple. The whole structure of physical life exists to really show man what spiritual life is. Because, in the Bible (it) mentions this thing of on earth as it is in heaven. And life, physical life, is given by this inner creation of a woman who accepts one seed. And the seed grows naturally and organically day-by-day. It grows simply. It grows in spite of bad diet, bad environment, bad this, bad that and a million other things - a lack of harmony between herself and the person who fertilized the seed. And all of these things still brings about an extraordinary, powerful, and resilient and in many ways, unparalleled structure. This thing that is so completely remarkable that nobody has been able in to copy it. Without having to change the 4 million things that people who wish to study spiritually immediately do. Every five or ten years all the rules and regulations that govern how we are supposed to bear our children change. We go into something new and different. Children are born and come into life and make choices and go about being crushed and loved and developed. And it’s proof of the extraordinary resiliency, strength and depth and miracle of creation. Because it certainly doesn't express the spirituality of a parent, the creativity of a parent, or the competence of a parent. 

Very, very few people in our world in any way participate consciously in the development of the spiritual or physical being. So we too, in the development of our spiritual being suddenly assume this vast, tremendously conscious capacity to bring into life something that is even more remarkable than the physical. 

Something which hasn't, in an obvious way (or) matter. You can't touch and show most people that anything spiritual exists. And so they go on special diets. They do all kinds of things in the mind and the body and twist in and out to try and convince themselves that these extraordinary outer forms are in some way connected with this inner manifestation. It's absolutely ridiculous. Because the contradiction is noticeable from culture to culture where Tibetans eat only meat and drink all kinds of things which are completely unallowable in certain other cultures of India. And Japanese people do it completely differently. And certainly one cannot disqualify the other. They just show the limitless ways through which a person can obtain their evolvement and eventually enlightenment. But the thing that does stand out, the thing that really shows what does allow for enlightenment has to do with a person's ability to sustain one force and period in which they are being nourished. I see more of this in Zen Buddhism than I've ever seen in yoga. Because if you go into a Zen Temple in Japan you study twelve years. Or if you went in China you'd spend twenty years. And you are taught a very deep and very strict ritual of living and doing and training. And you really raise something. And it is obvious, and it is obvious in certain cultures where this thing persists, that real training and nourishment win bring about a particular thing. And you see it in life in so many ways. If you ever went up to NYU or Columbia and you went into the Physics Department it's shocking beyond belief to look at these dozens and dozens of people who represent the same kind of training. And they smell the same. They walk the same. They feel the same. It's like a certain grade of cotton or wool, or a certain type of wool that you can feel, like a blind man, one to the other, and there would be a tremendous similarity. And the reason in the strictness of the training and the length of the training brings about a particular kind of mind and that mind brings about a particular kind of vibration and feeling of a person. They think alike. I have so many friends who are physicists. And it's always, to me, an endless shock, you'll see one person who's different in a crowd of a hundred. But you see a particular kind of a pattern. You see this when you go to the theatre. You see this is in so many other places that you see any kind of training. You see it among ballet dancers. You see it among different professional groups. This has to do with a very strict training. While you're sitting here please keep your mind inside and in no way exercise. You are either taking in the energy and working or you're in the wrong place. Try to keep your mind inside consciously working. It's proof that at least with a very heavily regimented, nourishing direction and instruction something can be obtained. At least we understand that perseverance, this kind of longevity and nourishment will be producing. For the thousands and hundreds of thousands of people who run around and hippies and wantonly run from place to place nothing is produced really. Their mind occasionally, one in a hundred, there is the occasional person who was freaked out, who is talented and my soon develop. But, it doesn't prove that being loose and being undisciplined produces. It proves that it can reduce a hundred people so that one person has some small gift where if they had marked properly they would have a great gift. 

You come here for a reason. If you don't work every day at home, if you don't do your half hour or twenty minutes there's absolutely no possibility for you to develop. Because the flow of force you take the energy that you are circulating throughout yourself will not be there. And nothing that has to do with the product can in any way show itself. Our work is really based on nourishment, it’s based on energy under control flowing consciously down from the mind, through the heart, through the lower chakras and up the spinal column. 

I want tomorrow to give you a new piece of work that has come about out of my own growth. And the thing of having, in a way, mastered the basic exercise name that you can reach further and further away and expand the expression and the exercise that you're doing and increase the flow, increase the nourishment within yourself. But this thing should never register itself in the mind. But by surrendering the Mind you use the energy of the mind for this nourishment, this consciousness. 

We always look to one level instead of looking to all levels. If you have ever an expression in your life on a physical level or a health level or an emotional level, then you have to look to all the other levels, all the other factors that compose a level to see how deeply inconsistent you are. Nature and this thing that manifests new energy is trying in one hundred ways to remind you. And you may see only one thing. But if you have a physical problem, this thing will express itself as an emotional problem, it will express itself as a problem where you work, it will express itself as a problem where you live. 

When you become aware enough to use your mind and this is one way you can use your mind, to delve into other areas instead of justifying your situation by really trying to accept the fact that this one thing that is inconsistent should, in every way express inconsistencies on every single level. But we try to bother everybody and blame everyone for what doesn't happen to us instead of taking the responsibility within ourselves. 

When you work you either feel the raising of energy in you and the flow of energy in you and the ability to feel another person, really the level of that place, so that you can detect and transcend and relate on a higher level or you are emotionally trying to justify your situation. 

The only reality for our life is the very nature of our being freer every day and every week and having less attachments every day and every week. We express that by our capacity to rationally understand the things that are wrong in us and giving us the capacity to surrender to somebody else (and to) feel the need to change within ourselves. Change is the expression of creative energy in flow. 

Consistency has to do with a rigidity of mind and state of illusion. Became nothing stays the same.

 The situations that exist in most spiritual work is reaching a certain level and staying there. It's absolutely impossible. You have to within yourself see life as it is, as a continual flow of energy coming out of the atmosphere that you can receive in more and more increased open quantity. Your muscles reach out and draw back in tremendous quantities of force which you can assimilate in the flow of your exercise. 

When you start opening your heart it opens an inch or two or three or four. And eventually it gets beyond the physical body. You're reaching out to this atmosphere around every human being; the four inch or ten inch electrical flow. 

Every human being not only has an aura, they have a whole area of electrical force that surrounds them. And to really get that vitality within yourself, to take this nourishment which is emanating from your inner core, to use it consciously, you have to open these muscles beyond your physical self. As they reach out they will be encompassed in your growth, and you will, on closing, bring back In this deeper and stronger energy. This will be encompassed in your growth, and you will hear a stronger and stronger energy in the atmosphere. 

You are really eating energy. You're absorbing energy and digesting energy, and because of that you find within yourself this capacity to take a breath feel the stretching in you, the elasticity iIn you. This exists because there is more energy in you. You can look at somebody else and say "Boy, Am I wrong' I didn't understand. I don't understand, and I heard it over there and I must have been crazy." When we can become aware that we are, in many times of our life, crazy; we don't hear; we don't understand; we are not always right, then we begin to come to a point where we have a chance to grow. A completely insane human being in a mental institution is always right, everyone else is always wrong. You have to become aware that your need to be right does not excuse you. 

(Break in tape)

 A seed must go through the agonies of everything it could ever experience. Until it sees light, it's all underground. All of our sprouting is also underground. We parallel nature that way. So if you're going through this torment and this thing bothers you, that means there’s life flowing in you. It's pushing its way around the darkness inside you until it expresses itself. You have to have a little bit of faith and a little consciousness. This pain is only the expansion, and the spreading of these runners that are pushing away the earth and allowing you to draw in more energy. Nothing comes easy, it always comes exactly the way that it is in nature. Anything that is nourished sprouts, and it has to fight away the surrounding material. So as you grow and these things are ripped in you, you're absorbing your ego. And what you feel is the breaking down of tensions inside yourself, something in you is beginning to live. 

Our problem is that we can't live by really what's in us. We really can't live with that. That's there for one reason. Just like this thing within a seed. It has then content to make it grow. Al of our crap, all of our games, all of our minds, all of the stuff that we are congested with, as we break it down, it's exactly like a seed, too. This is there to feed it until it we really sprout enough to take out of the atmosphere. So all this crap that we're loaded with as we surrender it nurtures us., And we begin to sprout and sprout and sprout. And then we begin to take from the atmosphere, from other people, from nature, from all these things. But we have to break down this mass of stuff inside us. 

Why are you being so right all the time. David right and livable, stuffed and crazy with it, right? And all this pressure that's packed in it, we're packed with all of this insanity of our existence. And when we become unpacked slowly this breaks down and breaks down, we feel it and it's really making these strange vibrations in us. Because we're spreading through every muscle it is sending out little runners expanding itself until it can draw out of the atmosphere and eventually draw from God. 

I'm nourishing you until you can really break down all of this ego in yourself and then you take it right out of the atmosphere around you. 

Q. What kind of energy

 A. Wasted energy, because it is going outside, right? 

Q. What is the quality that if you hold it in it? 

A. It's very strange. If you hold it inside it will rip you open, it will break up the congestion inside. If you express it outside, what does it do? You get thicker, right? 

Q. Is it letting off the steam? 

A. No, it's not letting off the steam it's keeping you from breaking this up. You express it outside and someone says "you're a stupid, fat, What happened? (unintelligible) You build another wall to defend yourself which become thicker and thicker and thicker. Then it goes inside and this thing rips and rips and rips something out. You say, “yes I really am and I also have a big mouth. If I kept my mouth shut they wouldn't hit and hit me over the head."

 The person Is doing you the greatest favor in the world ... There's nothing so wonderful in this life as exposing yourself and your ignorance (unintelligible). 

Q. When you reach a physical block such as illness how do you surrender? 

A. When you reach a physical block that becomes an illness, what you are expressing is your inability to face a great reality in yourself. Buford got sick. He was coughing for two weeks then he went after one week skiing in the slush. It's expressing more than anything else your in- ability to want to face a very simple issue, that you're not being responsible for yourself. Nothing happens. It builds up over a long period of time. 

You know a plant doesn't die of thirst the leaves curl up, it turns colors. Look at the things that nature does to warn a simple plant. A human being has to become fatigued. You can't see straight you can't this, you can't that. Go to sleep. You don't go to sleep you fight, you're wearing out tissue beyond the point where you can replace it until something breaks. well that's what a disease is. That you wear through a tissue and then something goes inside and it, That if you value yourself; you value your spiritual life you really take care of yourself. You go to sleep. You eat properly. You try to rest. You try to stay away from people who fight. You try to do a million things. You save your energy. We really get sick and we really break down by wearing out the tissue. This tubing breaks and then something outside enters us. It's very hard to repair. It takes massive amounts of energy to repair that and that's finally what repairs It, Because people pour and pour and pour into it. It's very egocentric to get sick. It's only the expression of great ego. Because it takes dozens and dozens of people and millions of tons of energy to pour into this broken structure to make it grow again. Sickness is ego. All things that break down are ego. If we want people to express value to us we can't ourselves unless we maintain ourselves. 

Does anyone else have a question?

 Q. How do we maintain ourselves?

 A. By asking deeper. How do you get water? How do you get oil? How do you get coal? You dig for it. Any natural resource is obtained by digging, by asking. You ask deeper and deeper and deeper . You stand there like with a pick In your hand and you scratch the soft you get there you wim you dig something out, you dig something out. You get H20, you get coal. You get everything else. All the treasures in a human being exist inside him. But they only come by digging, by asking . Ask and you shall receive. You don't ask enough. You accept all the crap that anyone drops on you. If you think that's all you deserve that's what you get. Because when you ask and you receive you have to hold It. Holding has to do with working. Asking is one half and receiving is one half. Holding is the other half. Because it takes consciousness to hold. Does anyone else have a question? I mean the whole thing of our teaching is really based on attunement of energy. Taking in energy, surrendering, and absorbing it. And for some people who go like this and they fall back and think they are absorbing a tremendous amount of force which is spreading them inside. It's really opening them. If you don't have it as strong it's because, it's because you haven't opened as much inside. You can only get based on the amount in you that can open and receive it. 

Some people open; they surrender much deeper; they get a much deeper flow. You can relate to yourself directly how much you want by how much goes in. And believe me, I get. I feel my brain pulsating, both sides of my head just pulsating this energy through. And it really hurts. 

The muscles aren't used to taking that much flow. You ask, you keep asking. You demand. You ask and you demand you'll get it.

 I want to function. I really wish to function in my life and be very free. And I want to be happy. There's no reason for me not to. And serving is really what allows the flow to come through. Doing allows flow to cow through, Thinking just contracts muscles in the mind and it starts to drive you crazy. 

The mind is the slayer of the soul. Surrendering is the way to open. Asking is the way to receive. You have to really function. You have to want to function more, not dramatically, but to really allow yourself to work more and more and more. 

You go into an office and you only see one person working and 90% of the people talking and always running around feeling filled with their own importance. The more you're filled with your own importance the less you function. And being that you can even do more is not a sign that you 're doing any where nearly what you can do with your capacity.

 Anything but sweetness and love, but they really are dropping tensions and she uses your tensions and burns them up. I use your tensions and burn them up. This is really the nature of growth. Anything which is growing takes in from a lower level of energy in life and converts it. And this is where the energy comes.

 All of you represent my need for taking in one substance as (a) level of energy. And it's a very fair exchange. I need you to live and you need me to live. There is nothing lacking in it. It's a very real kind of exchange. And this is the whole thing of life. But we always give life and want to take life. And this of course is a wrong exchange. It's the wrong fuel. One should take death and give life. One should take negativity and give a positive flow. But we, in our stupidity, in our lack of ability to understand the creative processes reach for the wrong fuel. We reach for the wrong rewards. We reach without consciousness.

 And nature always has the perfect answer to any situation re-garding creativity. We always think that these things that, in the world are recognized as rewards are the rewards for spirituality. But they're not. They're the rewards for the physical level. And they're the things that the physical level claims are the rewards for its materialization. And yet on that level this is the level of war; it's the level of vengeance. It's the level of all kinds of things that we claim we don't wish to be a part of. So why, when we're working for a spiritual life would we reach for the same rewards and the same energy? And it really is this thing of understanding the difference between the level of life and the level of spirituality. 

Does anyone else have a question?