Transcipt of class given at Big Sur in 1969 or 1970


Swami Rudrananda

Part 3


Everyone just relax now and open your eyes and just sit quietly for a minute. I'll try to explain something to you. Some of you are really quite remarkable. I must say, I'm very impressed. I had an experience quite a few years ago with Baba in India. And I was sitting and he suddenly said to know the old story in Zen, did you ever think of monkeys? So he said, "Have you ever felt a snake?" And I never felt a snake before. Well, about 2 minutes later I felt about 5,000 snakes crawling up my spine. And it's really what the Kundalini is. And some of you are strong in it. And what happens is, you begin to infect each other. So it's like being bitten and the force from one really works with the force of the other. It's the most wonderful part about it. It's the only healthy communicable disease that I know of. And it really happens because of the openness. I must say, I was very impressed. I've never done such a thing before in my life. I've only had peotime. We have classes almost as large as this in New York. But I've never had this large a group of people and I must say it was very remarkable for me. Baba tosses out things like - go teach a class- and one has to do it. Because it does work that way. It's in the nature of a miracle. And the level above Kundalini which is what Baba teaches, is called Siddha Yoga. And this was a combination of Kundalini and Siddha. Siddha is really Guru's grace. Your Kundalini really came as Baba's grace. He's been extraordinarily generous on his visit to this country. If you try to look for such a thing in India, you can spend a very, very long time and possibly never get it. It was really extraordinarily generous and very good of him to do it. But once you have it, it really is yours. And you will have it work in you for the rest of your life. It does manifest in many ways that are strange. None of the manifestations mean anything. Manifestation is And the manifestation is a picture that you get when a certain energy is in your system. If you lock up on the manifestation, it's something in you which is very, very stupid because you then stop at a level instead of surrendering that level and going on to the next level, and to the next level. So any experience you have is just a manifestation of an energy working in you at that moment. And if energy manifests instead of going up, this way, means it's starting to come out. If you go with it, it means you're flowing with something which will carry you on forever. Whereas if you surrender it, it comes back, it goes into the channel again and it then can carry you up further. So any experience you have in your life, any spiritual experience, if you want to hold on to it, you can paint a picture of it and worship it for the rest of your life. Or you can surrender it, and it will carry you to another level. And you surrender that and it will carry you to another level. Becendless. It's really always in the mind, it's the mind that sees the picture. The soul doesn't see pictures because the soul is trying to be freed. Every time a picture comes, that's something in the mind trying to limit the soul from growing. And it really is your fear. It's your stupidity and it's really just your ignorance. Nobody has told you differently. So whenever you have these experiences, you have to be intelligent in just letting go of the experience so that it reduces itself back to energy again and it raises you to another level. More people run around telling you, "Well, in 1960 I had this and in 1970 I had that. " And it's disgusting to have to live with 2 candles as your light. Whereas if you surrendered in 1960, by now you'd have about a 1000 watt flood in either end of your room and you keep going. It's endless and it's wonderful. It's glorious and the only restriction is this thing of the mind being the slayer of the soul. There is nwork...period. Because logic exists on the earth. It's justification for not having success. Spiritual work will carry you above everything. It will carry you beyond everything. And it is a gift. What came to you through me is through Baba. And it's his gift to me and my gift to you. And really, there's nothing that you can do to pay for it except to try to live right with it. Nobody deserves a gift. You only express a gift by how you treat it after you've received it. So if you try to be a better person, you try to sleep a little more so you have the energy to sit and do a deeper meditation, you have just good manners and good taste, and a love for God....this will take care of it. Every gift is either lost because it's misused, or it really becomes a stupid thing where a man suddenly gets locked up and thinks he's found something. It's another step. And if you treat everything in your life as another step and surrender and really feel inside yourself that the Guru is God and that means deal tonight. And I'm sure Baba was very grateful to give what he gave tonight. You just stay simple in yourself and grateful. You have to be grateful in your heart that something was given you. You deserve it because you had the experience. You keep it because you're simple and intelligent with it. And there's nothing more than that. Then you become grateful. You stretch in your heart. Gratitude is a very high human value. It really is important. So you work, you become grateful for this weekend, you become grateful for Ram Dass, you become grateful to Baba. And it stretches your heart beyond you. We all need somebody and something beyond ourself to work for. We don't really do for ourselves. Ram Dass is doing beyond himself as you heard today. And I had the same thing happen to me last week with Baba. Baba is very wonderful this way. He gives us all reason beyond ourselves, because for ourselves, why should we do? And what you got today was also a thinggrace. It is nothing more or less than grace. It's being given you. And it's nothing that you've earned. You earn it by holding it and by having it grow in you and to transcend things within yourself. So please try, when you do your meditation, the Kundalini force is in you now. Some felt it more, some felt it less. But you couldn't sit here with 20,000 cobras biting you in the ass and in the head without being caught, believe me. Whether you think you got it or you don't got got it! So just take it easy and know that you're in the club. The whole nature of Kundalini is to take in a great deal of force, more than your own. You're really open to the cosmos, you're open to every teacher and you get all the energy this way. And more than that, you channel it so that it doesn't stay just in the heart or in the mind or in one particular chakra. But it goes from one to the other so that one infects the other. So that all of them become one and you really can open and really receivto have a brain that's enlightened or a heart that's enlightened, but your entire body, your whole being has to be enlightened. I know most people studied Hatha Yoga or meditation, but it isn't just to be open in one part of you because if you're reborn, everything in you is to be reborn. You don't want to just come back as a heart or a toe or a nose. You want a whole complete person with a higher soul content, with a great chance to never have to come back to the earth again. This work is not to justify living on the earth. It's to get out of it. It isn't to make life easy. It's to become one with God and then go to a higher place to live. So don't try to work justifying peace, but really to keep working to transcend yourself from day to day and minute to minute. We really have to, in a sense, completely just leave this physical body behind like a snake sheds a skin. And most people work just to justify making life a little nicer. If you have any idea of the worlds that exist beyond this one, yabout the worst. The best of it is what we're doing, in the sense of people loving each other and the people finding God with one another. But we're a very small group. You're a very small percentage of people that exist. And your work is really to find yourself complete, to become one with God and to be able to go up more and more. And there's really no reason to teach as such. Because if you grow spiritually, this force will come out of you. Like a tree gives off oxygen, a man gives off his spiritual energy. It goes into the atmosphere. You don't have to point to somebody and say, "This is my disciple or that was my disciple." It's so stupid. If you are really a spiritual being, you'll blow your nose and 3 people will be enlightened 4 blocks away. It doesn't have to be someone that you know or this one or that one. And it's the same thing for me. You all have different teachers. I'm trying to give you what I have. I just try and give you additional energy. Baba's tryadditional energy. It's not to say that we gave you and somebody else didn't give you. It's all reinforcement. And never let anyone pull that kind of a trip on you of saying that they have it and someone else doesn't have it. It's's additional. And it feels for feel someone is your teacher...fine, they're your teacher. But you don't even have to be in that kind of a head thing. You just surrender that too. And when you know, you know. But trying to figure it out is a way of killing it. You're destroying something. You don't have to figure anything out. You will know. You never reject anyone who gave you anything in the past, because they're so responsible for your structure. You can't take out this piece without the whole thing falling down. And if you're that kind of a person, this is one thing you have to learn immediately. Everything was perfect. You leave quietly. You leave with dignity. And you don't have to figure out why. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Then the time, people study long enough to get them out of a situation and then they try to not take any more energy. So if you feel that kind of rejection in you, it's because they got you to a point that you want, not a point that they were capable of taking you to. You keep taking energy, you go up again. And you'll go up again. And you'll go up again. And every time you're between planes, there is this thing in us that wants to reject a teacher. Because we don't want to go to another plane. We want to stay where we are because we're content with that. But to work spiritually is to keep growing and that's to keep transcending yourself. Baba nailed Ram Dass. He nailed me that way many times too. And that's what a teacher is for. He's to close the holes that you want to run in to hide. And we all have that. And you saw it very much out front. Well, this is the same thing with you with anyone you study with. It certainly is true in a marriage. It's true in any deep relationperson who keeps you from growing or keeps you from finding problems. He's a person who brings you problems, who gives you the love and the energy to transcend yourself. A teacher is not a person who pours the maple syrup on you. He's the person who makes you climb the mountain. He's the person who makes you wash and keep a job and live a right life. And all of our resistance is resistance to growing. We resist growing. We resist surrendering. Because we're filled with our own ego and pride and our sense of right and our sense of wrong, and more than anything else, with a resistance to growing beyond a certain point. So if you ever reach that point with someone with whom you're studying, then say, "Fine. It's on me. I don't want to grow any more." or "I'm tired right now." You go away for a week or you go away for a year. You go away for 10 years. But don't cut anybody for that reason. You have to look to yourself and find that it's your resistance to growth. It's not their inabiligive any more. Anyone who brings you to the point of leaving has done you a great favor, whether it's a wife, a husband or someone in business or anything else. Because if things grow as they do in nature, and they do grow that way inside us. It's organic. You grow up. Certain things fall away. Dead leaves fall away. It means something fresh can grow on the top. It's the same thing with ideas. It's the same thing with spiritual patterns. You cannot have patterns of any kind. You can't have anything which is closed inside you. Anything you hold on to becomes a restriction to your growth. You have to live in a state of surrender. So if something wants to leave you, you let it leave you. If something falls off you in a class, it is something which has died, let it fall off. You don't try to stick a leaf back on a plant when it's brown and wilted. You have to let go of things to grow spiritually. And these things will go from you as you grow. It's a natural process of evolution to grow spiritually. You grow And this is one of the greatest tests of spirituality. We want to keep everyone on this level when we go on this level. And it's impossible. And it's a realization that you all have to make. Most of you are very young. And you will grow, and you will grow away from people. And it's about the hardest test spiritually. It's that as you work and as you grow, you are growing away from people who don't want to work and don't want to grow. And it's a kindness to leave them on the level where you found them. You can't keep dragging them saying, " You're crazy. You're wrong. You're this. You're that." You've grown. Leave them in peace. Because it's the worst kindness in the world to convince somebody that they're wrong and then go above them in a place where they're not able to go. That's a very, very cruel thing to do. You grow, be grateful to God that you've grown. And don't force your growth on other people. It's not a weapon to use against your fellow man. You love them. They can't go wisurrendered that. It will make you grow. But if you use all your energy trying to pull somebody up to your level, you're a fool and you're also not a good human being because you'll really hurt them very much. Some people were meant to stay on a certain level. God put them there for a certain point to get ripe. You're trying to pull them up. You'll destroy them. Because you'll pull them up, they won't be able to stay there, they'll come down again. They'll have less energy when they go down to that level then they had before. Growth is organic. When something has to drop, it will drop. When something has to move, it will move. And it only moves or drops because of energy or lack of energy. So you can't do anywith them. Just love them. And you're nourishing them. And you're giving them that with which they can move later on. If you can't give energy, for God sakes, don't give advice. Because advice doesn't have any energy in it. You love somebody. You feed them and you help them to grow. But you don't sit there and hit them over the head with a stick and drive everything out of them, including your love. Because they'll need that love one day. It's like a child who leaves home. The parents say, " You never can come home again." Well, they need the door to be open. They don't need the advice or the threat. And you must do this as you grow with your friends. They can't go with you, then fine, just leave the door open and continue to love them. And one day, if they need you, you're there for them. But don't force people on your trip. It's bad karma. Very bad karma. Thank you very much for your patience and for your sweetness. I'm very grateful to you.

Part 2
Our grateful appreciation to Faith at the Shoshoni Yoga Retreat Center for presenting this transcript to us.
