

Rudi's consciousness and power was very immediate, overpowering, intense and penetrating. By simply being in his presence one's own limited spiritual understanding was expanded to larger dynamic understanding.


The following teaching lectures are Rudi’s words recorded on tapes before his death in 1973. Later transcribed word for word, unchanged and unedited. Offered "raw" out of a deep respect for the clarity of the original moments the words were spoken. Offered "raw" so the fewest hurdles of others opinions or editing would be in the way of connecting to and absorbing the material. Through his words, the presence that is Rudi is found.

The power of Rudi is best experienced by opening and allowing yourself to touch that original moment. The way to touch that moment and increase your understanding is to read and listen to the words with an open heart. From the richness and intensity of the answers to student’s questions, delivered raw, the direct transmission of consciousness delivered from a master, a teacher, a guru may be experienced. When opened to with the heart, these words are a bridge to this great conscious entity. The words are a mantra that connects you to the Shakti that is Rudi.


Allow your self to open and connect to Rudi through the bindu the transcriptions represent. A bindu, a point to connect to the immense power of Rudi that transcends time and space, is possible if you are willing to open the door by relaxing the mind and opening the heart. Breathe into the heart slowly and feel the heart open and allow the words to flow into the heart and touch the subtle body. Relax the analytical mind so a clear connection to the higher intelligence in you can be made. It is your opportunity, if you are a seeker of higher consciousness, to connect with Rudi. His power comes through today when one is willing to connect from the heart to the words. The words, when read from the heart, become mantra.


It is not helpful or necessary to bind the words with your mind. Holding and squeezing the words with the brain is like a dam built on a river. The valley starves and cannot grow. Allowing the words to flow allows a crystal clear energy to nourish the deeper areas of the soul. The ego demands the mind to put a dam on the river of life so that it can feel comfortable and in control. To nourish the deeper parts of the human so that a higher understanding grows the dam must release the waters to flow and nourish the roots of being human.


Rudi asked no tribute save the student's effort to grow and further refine the internal work. In this spirit and with respect for Rudi the material that follows is offered.


Part 1-22k

Part 2-28k

Part 3-Not yet completed

Part 4-Not yet completed